Averages based on 34 shots
Carry Yds | 140 |
Total Yds | 150 |
Offline Yds | -2 |
Ball Speed MPH | 101 |
Launch Angle | 20 |
Shot Shape | STRAIGHT |
Total Spin RPM | 5462 |
Peak Height Yds | 24 |
Analysis started | 2021-06-07 15:29:37.965201 |
Analysis finished | 2021-06-07 15:29:47.358210 |
Duration | 9.39 seconds |
Version | pandas-profiling v2.8.0 |
Command line | pandas_profiling --config_file config.yaml [YOUR_FILE.csv] |
Download configuration | config.yaml |
Total Yds is highly correlated with Carry Yds and 1 other fields | High correlation |
Carry Yds is highly correlated with Total Yds and 2 other fields | High correlation |
Ball Speed MPH is highly correlated with Carry Yds and 1 other fields | High correlation |
Peak Height Yds is highly correlated with Carry Yds | High correlation |
Total Yds is highly correlated with Carry Yds | High correlation |
Carry Yds is highly correlated with Total Yds and 1 other fields | High correlation |
Ball Speed MPH is highly correlated with Carry Yds | High correlation |
Total Yds is highly correlated with Carry Yds | High correlation |
Carry Yds is highly correlated with Total Yds and 1 other fields | High correlation |
Shot Result is highly correlated with Offline Yds | High correlation |
Offline Yds is highly correlated with Shot Result | High correlation |
Ball Speed MPH is highly correlated with Carry Yds | High correlation |
Offline Yds has unique values | Unique |
Mean | 140 |
Minimum | 103 |
Maximum | 158 |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 103 |
5-th percentile | 122.8 |
Q1 | 132.025 |
median | 142.75 |
Q3 | 147.65 |
95-th percentile | 156.81 |
Maximum | 158 |
Range | 55 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 15.625 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 11.88754197 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.0849110141 |
Kurtosis | 1.15168209 |
Mean | 140 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 8.9 |
Skewness | -0.7923924011 |
Sum | 4764.4 |
Variance | 141.3136542 |
Mean | 150 |
Minimum | 120 |
Maximum | 169 |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 120 |
5-th percentile | 137.55 |
Q1 | 145.375 |
median | 152.5 |
Q3 | 157.85 |
95-th percentile | 164.85 |
Maximum | 169 |
Range | 49 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 12.475 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 9.997082016 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.06664721344 |
Kurtosis | 1.445145925 |
Mean | 150 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 6.35 |
Skewness | -0.6794623012 |
Sum | 5128.3 |
Variance | 99.94164884 |
Mean | -2 |
Minimum | -47 |
Maximum | 29 |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | -47 |
5-th percentile | -20.67 |
Q1 | -12.075 |
median | 0 |
Q3 | 7.825 |
95-th percentile | 16.125 |
Maximum | 29 |
Range | 76 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 19.9 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 14.46121773 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | -7.230608864 |
Kurtosis | 1.635280767 |
Mean | -2 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 9.15 |
Skewness | -0.6016714793 |
Sum | -83.3 |
Variance | 209.1268182 |
Most Common Shot Result | STRAIGHT |
PULL | |
PUSH | 4 |
DRAW | 2 |
SLICE | 1 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) | |
STRAIGHT | 20 | 58.8% | |
PULL | 6 | 17.6% | |
PUSH | 4 | 11.8% | |
DRAW | 2 | 5.9% | |
SLICE | 1 | 2.9% | |
HOOK | 1 | 2.9% |
Mean | 101 |
Minimum | 83 |
Maximum | 111 |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 83 |
5-th percentile | 90.775 |
Q1 | 96.825 |
median | 103.2 |
Q3 | 106.025 |
95-th percentile | 110.55 |
Maximum | 111 |
Range | 28 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 9.2 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 6.78019555 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.06713064901 |
Kurtosis | 0.119807226 |
Mean | 101 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 5.15 |
Skewness | -0.636511403 |
Sum | 3446 |
Variance | 45.97105169 |
Mean | 20 |
Minimum | 16 |
Maximum | 22 |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 16 |
5-th percentile | 18.39 |
Q1 | 19.5 |
median | 20.2 |
Q3 | 21.175 |
95-th percentile | 22.6 |
Maximum | 22 |
Range | 6 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 1.675 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 1.397183314 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.06985916569 |
Kurtosis | 1.338170848 |
Mean | 20 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 0.9 |
Skewness | -0.5125835339 |
Sum | 686.8 |
Variance | 1.952121212 |
Mean | 5462 |
Minimum | 3195 |
Maximum | 7135 |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 3195 |
5-th percentile | 3506.25 |
Q1 | 5300 |
median | 5637.5 |
Q3 | 5863.75 |
95-th percentile | 6447 |
Maximum | 7135 |
Range | 3940 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 563.75 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 864.4425733 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.1582648432 |
Kurtosis | 1.733227275 |
Mean | 5462 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 305 |
Skewness | -1.152907227 |
Sum | 185720 |
Variance | 747260.9626 |
Mean | 24 |
Minimum | 13 |
Maximum | 32 |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 13 |
5-th percentile | 17.43 |
Q1 | 21.75 |
median | 25.2 |
Q3 | 28.2 |
95-th percentile | 29.3 |
Maximum | 32 |
Range | 19 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 6.45 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 4.204984946 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.1752077061 |
Kurtosis | 0.2013768707 |
Mean | 24 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 3.2 |
Skewness | -0.7196768943 |
Sum | 839.3 |
Variance | 17.6818984 |
Pearson's r
The Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) is a measure of linear correlation between two variables. It's value lies between -1 and +1, -1 indicating total negative linear correlation, 0 indicating no linear correlation and 1 indicating total positive linear correlation. Furthermore, r is invariant under separate changes in location and scale of the two variables, implying that for a linear function the angle to the x-axis does not affect r.To calculate r for two variables X and Y, one divides the covariance of X and Y by the product of their standard deviations.
Spearman's ρ
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (ρ) is a measure of monotonic correlation between two variables, and is therefore better in catching nonlinear monotonic correlations than Pearson's r. It's value lies between -1 and +1, -1 indicating total negative monotonic correlation, 0 indicating no monotonic correlation and 1 indicating total positive monotonic correlation.To calculate ρ for two variables X and Y, one divides the covariance of the rank variables of X and Y by the product of their standard deviations.
Kendall's τ
Similarly to Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, the Kendall rank correlation coefficient (τ) measures ordinal association between two variables. It's value lies between -1 and +1, -1 indicating total negative correlation, 0 indicating no correlation and 1 indicating total positive correlation.To calculate τ for two variables X and Y, one determines the number of concordant and discordant pairs of observations. τ is given by the number of concordant pairs minus the discordant pairs divided by the total number of pairs.
Phik (φk)
Phik (φk) is a new and practical correlation coefficient that works consistently between categorical, ordinal and interval variables, captures non-linear dependency and reverts to the Pearson correlation coefficient in case of a bivariate normal input distribution. There is extensive documentation available here.Last rows
Carry Yds | Total Yds | Offline Yds | Shot Result | Ball Speed MPH | Launch Angle | Total Spin RPM | Peak Height Yds | |
29 | 145.2 | 159.0 | -14.8 | DRAW | 103.0 | 18.9 | 5165 | 23.4 |
30 | 131.8 | 145.1 | -9.9 | STRAIGHT | 95.6 | 20.3 | 4730 | 20.9 |
31 | 122.8 | 135.6 | 5.5 | STRAIGHT | 92.0 | 19.3 | 5250 | 18.2 |
32 | 133.8 | 146.2 | 9.8 | STRAIGHT | 96.9 | 21.8 | 5435 | 24.1 |
33 | 133.2 | 144.3 | 9.5 | STRAIGHT | 97.0 | 21.2 | 5775 | 23.6 |
Random sample
Carry Yds | Total Yds | Offline Yds | Shot Result | Ball Speed MPH | Launch Angle | Total Spin RPM | Peak Height Yds | |
8 | 146.7 | 152.8 | -4.0 | STRAIGHT | 105.2 | 19.6 | 5800 | 26.4 |
2 | 128.6 | 139.0 | 8.8 | STRAIGHT | 95.2 | 22.6 | 5785 | 24.4 |
10 | 151.1 | 163.1 | -47.0 | HOOK | 108.3 | 19.3 | 5500 | 26.4 |
16 | 156.5 | 160.9 | -4.9 | STRAIGHT | 109.9 | 19.8 | 5450 | 29.3 |
23 | 131.3 | 146.8 | -15.6 | PULL | 94.2 | 21.1 | 3800 | 20.5 |